Convenient for consumers vs. a headache for businesses?

     Businesses are faced with the fact that they have to create an image, a positive image, an outgoing and friendly image. We all like to deal with sales associates that are warming and helpful. We want to do business with who is open and available to contact on a regular basis.

     Businesses, in my opinion, need it because it will of course help reach customers but also now in 2017 we all trust companies that are more open and have an online presence. I want to see some product photos on ig, I want to see demo videos, I want to see some promotions for everyone that supports your online efforts, and I wanna just be in contact if I have any questions.

     On the other end of things, businesses would have to put aside more time or hire new staff to manage these accounts. Coming from a guy that has two YouTube pages to keep up with, an Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. It is hard to keep up with. But the reach to new faces far outweighs the hardships you can be faced with. Posting regularly on YouTube (3 days per week) was yielding me around 10 subscribers per week. Being a business that could translate to sales very easily. So it turns into just being a consistent business. Its a pain for businesses having these many elements and angles to perfect but with the amount of competition you need to get every advantage you can, so consider maybe trying online marketing through social media sites.
