Internet Solutions Inc. Results!

Jose, Kyle, and Jorge have been on a journey in our internet marketing class over the last several weeks attempting to share our expertise in the digital marketing field.  As time has passed we learned that sharing our content via social media outlets, especially Facebook, have given us the most insights and views of our blogs and posts.  We have also  learned that we can create something from nothing; and leverage our knowledge to the followers we gained as professional digital marketers. We expect to thrive as we set out on our own paths with each possessing special gifts.  Kyle has proven that he can write on interesting topics with a very nice writing voice, and he specializes in video marketing to a younger demographic.  Jorge has proven himself in a field where people are attempting to set themselves apart from the rest of the pack with a classy and sophisticated writing voice and an understanding of how social media has exponential impact on digital marketing.  I, Jose, have learned and continue to learn how insights and analytics help attract customers via data retrieval.  I am also embracing and immersing myself in unique advertising as I set out on a path of unknown, exciting new experiences. 

Overall, we attracted a nice following since launching our website and connectivity of our social media sites.  


1. Website - 1,130 total views
2. Facebook - 102 total likes
3. Facebook Highest Reach - 278
4. Instagram - 17 followers
5. YouTube - 16 views
6. Twitter - 2 likes

Thank you followers for reviewing our website and social media sites, and we hope you continue to follow each one of our unique paths as we embark on new journeys!
